Florence Flamingos and Carolina Bank Partner in Tools for Teachers Program
Florence Flamingos and Carolina Bank have announced a partnership program benefitting fifth-grade teachers and students of the Florence 1 School District. The program launched on the 1st of February of 2022 for nearly 1500 fifth graders in Florence, and is designed to encourage better "attendance, behavior, grades, winners of spelling bee contests and even test results".
There are certificates for Florence Flamingo game tickets, with all-you-can-eat offerings, available as incentives and recognition of accomplishments. The students all also received their own individual Carolina Bank sports, travel bottles and several other goodies for the Florence Flamingos. Also, there is a scholarship opportunity for the teachers involved. Through reward and increased engagement the program hopes to inspired an enhanced academic focus.
Learn more details below:
Florence Flamingos Website: https://florenceflamingos.com/flamingos-launch-tools-for-teachers-program/